Join us for an afternoon of Bingo and win some amazing prizes!

Bring your friends and neighbors! Bingo Cards – $2 each available at the event – No Entry Fee! Kosher Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies & Drinks will be available for purchase. Check out our blog posting list of silent auction items that will be available to bid on at the event!

Monday, November 7, 2011

SILENT AUCTION ITEM #1: Kids First Swim School - Swimming Lessons

Value: $90
One session of group lessons at any Kids First Swim Schools locations.

KIDS FIRST® Swim Schools are year round, warm water swimming facilities dedicated to teaching children (and adults!) to swim in a safe, warm, and loving environment. For your convenience, we own and operate eight locations throughout Maryland. Maintained at 90 degrees, with depths ranging from 2-5 feet, both swimmer and instructor enjoy an environment most conducive to learning. Unique observation rooms with one way glass enable you to watch your child's class, yet Mom & Dad won't be a distraction to your child's progress. Mommy & Me, Small Groups, Private or Semi-Private formats are all offered, ensuring that your child is getting the level of attention that you want.

Our instructors are all personally trained by owner Gary Roth before they can teach the trademarked KIDS FIRST® Kick FIRST® Learn to Swim System. This curriculum is very different from the traditional methods used to teach children and has produced extraordinary results with thousands of youngsters. Take a moment to view our video on this website and see for yourself what is possible.

All our programs are offered in six week sessions, with classes meeting once a week for half an hour. Just like a piano lesson, practice makes perfect. So, we invite our families to join us on Saturday and Sunday night to our family swims, where Mom & Dad can get involved in the learning process.

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